Monday, April 25, 2011

A Man's World

A MAN's world
he says
and i should just be content with being in
"HIS" world...
he says

and like fire to gasoline
i ignited
not sure if i should accept what he said
or fight it
His world
he says

forgetting that half of this kingdom-i made
years of being enslaved
and it was I who worked beside him in those cotton fields
it was I who watched our brothers and sisters killed
right along beside him

now this world is "HIS",
forgetting that i gave birth to his kids
and birthed his nation
as if all of this was done through his own masterbation

His words came way too quick like a pre-mature ejaculation
i could tell those thoughts weren't premeditated
just outdated
something he'd heard from some backwoods sexist individual
who had only taken what he believed but didn't check out the visual>
had somehow got it twisted inside his mental
that man had done this all on his own...

Made himself more important than the MAN on the thrown
and set OUR people in HIS world back a couple hundred years.
Had I not been the vessel used in which to carry us in?
was it not partnership that set up for this win?

I was made from your rib to be by your side
made to help you when life got rough despite your pride
but this is man's world, and I should just be content living in it.

Friday, April 22, 2011

You're Not Listening

You're not listening

Didn't you hear the hesitation in my voice when I told you I was leaving?
Mock confidence and assurance on my face was so deceiving
yet you chose to use the only one of your senses,
that could be stopped by my defenses.

You're not listening.

Slow down and stop are not the same things
just like solitaire and princess cut are not the same rings
or these feet are not the same things as wings
or this happiness just aint happy if it doesn't sing

You're not listening.

Lend me your ears so that you may hear what my heart says,
your eyes so that you may see past my bullshit,
your hands so that i can touch your hand when i'm afraid of you,
your nose to direct you to me if i lose my way
and your lips so that i may taste your confidence in us when im unsure.

you're not listening..but i need you to hear what isn't being said
and what you can't see... what you can't touch, to know what it is i need...
