Monday, May 16, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


wo years of time wasted
lies and deceit,
the bitter and the sweetest tasted
good and bad memories to keep.

Holding on just to say we made it
no talking, just time spent in the sheets
figured our debts to love and paid it
left us both scarred and weak.

Love got too complicated
too tempted to cheat
we both became a little jaded
but neither would admit their defeat.

So we held on to the ship
no white flag was drawn
even as we tasted poison from other's lips
our relationship carried on.

Two years of time wasted,
lies and deceit.
the bitter and the sweetest tasted.
good and bad memories to keep.

Unhappiness on both sides
but neither of us dared to be free
so we let our souls collide
and i lost the best part of me.

Two years of time wasted....
lies and deceit
the bitter and the sweetest tasted...
good and bad memories to keep.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Confidence is EVERYTHING

It doesn't bother me too much to stand out. Don't get me wrong. I don't like unnecessary attention or desire to be the center of attention but when it is handed to me, I try to make the best of it. In some ways it can be annoying cuz I try to blend so that i can observe people.

A friend was just talking to me about her size. She said she didn't feel comfortable in certain settings because of it. Well, what I have learned is: Confidence is everything. I don't worry about people not liking me, because I like myself. I carry myself in a way that shows that if you don''t like me, its ok- you don't have to. I LIKE ME. That's what matters. Usually when you are comfortable with yourself, others are comfortable with you as well and it makes surroundings less awkward.