Friday, May 18, 2012

Hard to find a REAL Man These Days...

Let me first state that I am a single, black female. I may also add that I am on my way to success and so far have managed to beat every stereotype thrown at me until the threat of being an "angry,bitter, black woman."

I look around day to day, not in search of a man or spouse but in search of a REAL man to at least give me some hope that REAL men still exist. So far I have been severely disappointed. The men act more like gossipy little girls. Some act like they do not know how to lead and would rather follow or do nothing at all. It is discouraging. Who is to blame? A lazy new generation or a generation that failed these men before they even had a chance to LOOK like men? I don't know. I really wish I had the answer.

Men who gossip, instigate cat fights between their women in the street as if they are no more than dogs and wait to see who comes out last so they can boast. Men who put their hands on women. Men who take pride in sitting at home while their significant other works and they smoke weed all day. Men who don't know how to take control of when needed and cower behind excuses. I can't take it. Maybe I'm just old fashion. I need a man around me who knows that I can handle my own, but knows when to stand in the front and when to stand at my side. who wants to bring something to the table as well as I do. A man who knows that he had better not put his hands on me or any woman for that matter.

I'm not saying there are no REAL men these days, but I am saying that they are far and few in between. And FYI to those who read this: A "REAL NIGGA" is NOT a "REAL MAN". The definition of that is all jacked up and I wish my black men would stop saying that foolishness.

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