Saturday, July 7, 2012

He's Loving Him

An anger burned deep in her belly,
her words came hard and fast like bullets
but rained over me in a flood threatening to drown us both in negativity
A gray smog was overhead that threatened her sanity.

"How could he?" she asked me.
"When I Loved him with every part of me,
was willing to climb mountains to snag the moon and part the red sea?
Give him jewels from my womb, and willing to name my first son after him
how could he?

When I feel like I have spent several lifetimes chasing him
when we were slaves in one life and I was separated from him
only to finally think i have him,
but end up in love, stuck, now a slave TO him,
how could he?"

Her eyes looked up at me full of hurt and question,
How could I explain God's divine intervention?
That maybe this was yet another lesson,
or everything we think we want is the opposite of what we need.
How could I tell a woman this who is carrying that man's seed?

"I can't fix this," she said.
"I love him like a part of my flesh but even love has its limits,
This is more than just being intimate,
he gave more to him than to me and I'm not feeling it.
He's loving him so now who's loving me? she asked."

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