Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bullet in the chamber,
hand on the trigger
trembling as I contemplate self-emancipation,
Peace for everybody? wondering about this dream I've been chasin'
I still didn't get high enough to achieve my goals
and I'm 6 months off of free-basin,'
quit the needle cold
picked up my pen no pencil so there'll be no erasin,
re-writing my life, using myself as my own motivation

Started doing just fine once I used my God as inspiration,
Saw exactly what his plan is for me. I'm his perfectly imperfect creation.
I keep the blinders on for the ones who practice their persuasion,
I'm usually on the right track though I get swayed on occasion.
I'm focused like I'm getting paid to live and it's amazin'.
I lit a fire to the grass around my feet because I'm moving so fast
you can call it a run for liberation
bra burning and blazing.
Fighting for equality and a new life
and I'm not asking for the shit, I'm takin' it...

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