Friday, May 7, 2010

Love all over me...

I never knew how bad I wanted it,
to feel it all over me like a second skin
to have the flame to my soul lit
to feel as if I can finally hold the ultimate prize and say, "I win."

I've never wanted to feel so clean,
washed all over in him,
to feel as if I am stuffed to my seams
with all of him...

I almost felt like this once. I felt like I would drown in him, not wanting to ever come up for air because he was all the life that I needed. Like the world didn't turn unless I heard his voice or could see his smile... I needed these two things like my skin needs the sun. I soaked him up a a drop of water in the desert, like a fat, country man with a biscuit and some gravy... I had to have him everyday like a once a day vitamin or my stomach would feel so hollow that I would constantly eat and drink to fill this void only to have that emptiness move to another spot that I could never touch to heal... Not without him...

Monica's "Love All Over Me" just reminded me of how good it felt to satisfy that feeling. To feel as if I was walking on a cloud and heights were making the bottom of my feet tingle. I wanted to wrap his love around me like a Snuggie and curl up in the tightest, smallest place that I could and not move... Like I could jump out of an airplane backwards, no parachute and know that I would land safely because his love would be my safety net...

That's the love I look forward to feeling and experiencing again... hopefully this next jump is even better than the first.

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