Thursday, August 19, 2010

God Make me a soldier

Every night I pray to God that he make me a soldier/cuz I feel that I'm too sensitive and the world is getting colder/ I ask him to he make me able to accept the things that I cannot change/ I ask that he guide me in his footsteps and pray that I never get lost and always honor his name/ I say that I know get distracted with these worldly things/money makes the world go around and these black men that I sometimes catch myself looking at are supposed to be kings/ some fall short of being in your likeness/ and I catch myself slippn because I like this/ So I say God, I know that I'm not perfect and that I make mistakes but if in some way I'll get closer to you then that's a risk I'll take. God make me a soldier/ I'm ready for the battles/ i'm ready for the war/ This stuff I can handle and your calls i can no longer ignore. So God make me a soldier/ walk beside me when friends say they will and don't/ be my friend when the fakes won't/ and hold me when I'm scared like these deceivers say they will/be understanding when wrong is what i'm doing still/ God make me a soldier cuz the world is getting colder/ and i am getting older/and you I can no longer ignore.

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