Monday, February 1, 2010

Don't pick on the Holy Spirit...

cuz the Holy Spirit will pick on you.

I used to always imitate people catching the Holy Ghost because to me it was funny. People were always "shouting" around me and I'd come home and do it. Smh...wrong thing to do.

Well for the longest I thought those folks was faking... I'm sorry, I did! I was young and didn't know any better. For you all who don't believe in the holy ghost...hmmpph. Gon' head and play with him and see.

Well, I was sitting in church. I was probably around fifteen or sixteen. Mind you, I'd been imitating people catch the holy ghost since i was big enough to imitate it. Well anyway, I was sitting on a bench, and this particular Sunday I happened to be paying attention. I don't remember what the message was about 'cause I'm gettin' old. But anyway, I happened to be paying attention and I remember getting a little angtsy 'cause the Pastor was like he used to say, "Stepping on toes." Well whatever he said had stepped on mine. And it seem like he KEPT stepping on them. Everything he talked about seemed like it was directed at me. Or like a friend I work with says, "That joker had read my mail" (Cracks me up everytime). For those who missed that, basically, Pastor knew all my business. lol. Anyway, I don't know what happened. I don't know where it came from. I don't know how it happened but I had the uncontrollable urge to cry.

Now I know what ya'll are thinking. Ya'll don't understand! Back then I didn't do tears! Sure, I'm a little tree-hugger now, but back then tears were not my thing. So not only was I confused, i was now shocked. Then I got this uncontrollable urge to get up. I didn't wanna turn no cartwheels and whatnot, but I felt like I had to do something. Something was really heavy on my back and would not get off. I can't even describe it.

Now, as I was crying...and didn't know why lol, I was trying to pull myself together. And I did...once I saw this other Pastor layin hands. I used to be terrified of that kind of thing. I had never passed out before and from what I had seen before, when the Pastor touched your forehead you were out...and I didn't want no parts of it lol.

That was just the first time and ever since then I get randonly struck sometimes with the same indescribable feeling. It's usually when I start reflecting about things I've been through and a church songs hits me just right and I might start crying and that's about it. Well, recently, I went to work out at the gym. I had a lot on my mind and needed to relieve some stress. In my shuffle of songs as I'm racing myself on the elliptical, I come across some gospel. All is cool until Shirley start talking to me. All I know is when she got to the part that says, "You been tellin' lies Satan," in my mind I was like, "HE SURE HAS!" I started thinking about things that were on my mind and what she was saying and my ramblings about thinking positive and got too carried away and yelled out, "JEEEEESSSUUUUSS!" and almost hopped off of the elliptical...smh. Needless to say during that moment I could have cared less who was watching me almost fall off that elliptical face first. I didn't care who heard me randomly call on Jesus...smh...I'm talking about feet came up OFF the pedals like i was about to HOP! People next to me was giving me the side-eye, moving off their machines..smh and AT THE TIME, I wasn't the least bit embarrassed.

So I tell you that to tell you this...The Spirit is VERY MUCH with it if you want to and see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. I agree wholeheartedly about this. I didn't understand it when I was young until I felt the spirit myself. And the spirit is real. - Tamara
