Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Feeling some Kinda way :-/

I'm definitely feeling some kind of way and I have got to get this off my chest. UGH. Anytime I talk to them or him or whoever... I get this, "what if" feeling that I just don't want to deal with. Sometimes I wonder why God made those feelings because most of the time a person can be fine with what they have decided, but them damn what ifs make them try to go back or change their mind. Then they are in a boat with no paddle or life jacket trying to swim.

So there's this guy... like in my mind I know it would have never worked. I'm positive that it wouldn't have. I just wonder what it would have been like even in a relationship with you it was turmoil. There was always something sneaky behind the scenes going on and I felt it... Still is, but it's not my concern anylonger... I'm just feeling some kinda way about it. It'll pass though...it always does.

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