Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dear Daddy (2 days after Father's Day 2011)

I thought I would make it through Father’s Day and not have a sentimental thought in my head…. I somehow managed to put it away until today… basically two days later. I am beginning to forget what your voice sounds like. It’s scary. I talked to uncle today and his voice made me feel some kind of way because they two of you sound a little alike…if i can remember correctly. You have only been dead 3 yrs and i am already starting to forget things about you. important things. Sometimes I fight with the good memories because they try to leave me and the bad memories won’t. I just wish that you didn’t have to leave so early before we had time to work things our and before you could see what I would make of myself or if I would ever get married and have children.

I know that I am supposed to be moving forward with my life, but I am really having a hard time. It’s like I get so far ahead in the line, turn around and realize you aren’t with me and try to go back to drag you along… I want to heal, but I never want to forget you.

After three years, damn, it still hurts almost as much as it did the day it happened.

Until next time,


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