Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Dream (Moved From Tumblr 2011)

Had a dream that I died. It was strange. I remember thinking as I walked up to the snow white gates, “Is this Heaven? Could I have really made it?” As I walked upon clouds, they suddenly turned into streets of gold. To my left and two my right where buildings that were extravagantly built, showing billboards of every concert that was occuring. I stumbled into one and found Amy Winehouse, dressed in all white singing on the stage. I sat down between Billie Holiday and Tupac. I thought about asking him if heaven had a ghetto but he had his pen on his lap, writing a new poem on paper. Ray Charles was playing the piano and Marilyn Monroe was sitting in the front row. Aaliyah and Left Eye were sitting behind me side by side.

IT was crazy.

I left and entered another building with marble floors. The room was empty but My poster was on stage. I took my poetry book out of my bookbag and sat on the stool.

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